With the rising popularity and increasing demand for sushi worldwide, we often get questions from producers, manufacturers and entrepreneurs alike regarding the value of investing in a sushi machine. While it may seem like a no brainer, the reality of the situation is not as simple as it seems. Today, we will try to articulate and put into words the circumstances, requirements, and issues that add towards making a Sushi Machine a genuinely good investment. We will also take a look at whether it is something that you might want to incorporate into your business.
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Factors determining a good investment
As with any investment, prior to investing in a Sushi Machine, a number of factors need to be taken into consideration before a well informed and thought out decision can be made. These factors can range from financial to production, demand, regional requirements, product availability and even environmental factors.
For the purposes of our discussion today, we will be looking at the issue of sushi machine from a financial, production and demand-oriented perspective.
Prior to starting a business using a sushi machine or even expanding on a pre-existing business model, one has to ask themselves, do the costs justify the demand and needs. To illustrate this, let us use an example.
Let us assume that on average, a prospective entrepreneur expects about 500 orders of sushi a day. Depending on the size of the order, the individual now has to determine whether the cost of labor necessary for making those 500 orders is justified when compared to the price of a Sushi Machine. In addition to this, one must also keep in consideration the investment of time. Do you have several hours during the day in which to prepare, pack and serve said sushi or would you benefit from a faster more automated sushi making system? This comes down to what the individual expects from the business as human labor can only go so fast.
For reference, the world record for the most Norimaki Sushi Rolls made in two minutes is held by Joakim Lundblad from Sweden at 12. That’s 360 Norimaki Sushi Rolls an hour. A sushi machine, on the other hand, can produce up to 600 or even more sushi per hour. The 360 norimaki is only achievable if Joakim Lundblad doesn’t stop to rest, that he can continuously make roll norimaki non-stop.
As such, it really boils down to whether you require a production speed that justifies your demand.
Businesses most benefited

A wide range of businesses has the potential to greatly benefit by employing the use of a sushi machine into their production line. Whether it be individual business owners, entrepreneurs, restaurants, cafeterias or even supermarkets. The potential market for businesses that could stand to make an immense profit from the sale of sushi, given its popularity is huge. However, at the end of the day, it is an investment and regardless of the business or the industry, the purchase of a sushi machine has to be thoroughly considered prior to its introduction to a business environment.
While individual business owners and entrepreneurs looking to make a mark on the local food market have great potential to do use through the use of a sushi machine, supermarkets and cafeterias, looking to introduce healthy and balanced food options to the menu also stand to benefit a lot from the purchase of a sushi machine.
In fact, it is not a stretch to say that with proper planning, execution, and support, a business, regardless of its size can reach new heights in terms of both profits and profitability given the right equipment and assistance. And at the end of the day, that is what a sushi machine is; both equipment as well as assistant. It really falls down to whether or not one chooses to deem it necessary to incorporate the option into their business and whether or not it aligns itself with the ideals and vision that the individual has for his business.
Sushi Machine as an Investment

If we look up the definition of investment in the Oxford English Dictionary, we come across the following :
Investment :
noun : A person or organization that puts money into financial schemes, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit.
And in truly simple terms, this is what purchasing a sushi machine would be; an investment.
One that is made with the vision of seeing it lead one’s business into a future with higher profits, better turnout margins, and increased popularity. And make no mistake, the right sushi machine will definitely help you get there.
At the end of the day, it comes down to the individual’s requirements, their vision and their game plan. These are three indispensable ingredients to success. Pair these with a top of the line Sushi Machine and the sky is the limit. Or maybe it isn’t. Maybe you can go even further beyond. That decision lies up to you.
Purchasing a Sushi Machine
If you feel that your business stands to benefit from investing in a sushi machine or have a vision that seems to have a huge amount of potential but needs a little technological push to help give it traction, look no further than our advanced line of premium sushi machines. Made in the heart of Japan with the best of Japanese technology and constant consultation and deliberation alongside the best sushi chefs of the nation, you cannot go wrong with our range of personalized sushi machines. If you wish to learn more about a sushi machine or make a purchase, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Our sushi specialists will be more than happy to work with you to help find the perfect sushi machine designed to match your business and its needs. Or you can always check out sushi machine product page, we offer a wide range of different machines that can help your sushi business grow significantly.
Want to learn more about sushi business? Here is a perfect article that can guide you through your first sushi business, check it out now!