How to Cook Sushi Rice Correctly

Steaming Rice from Rice Cooker

Interested in improving the sushi you are serving in your restaurant? Want to increase your profit and sales for sushi in your supermarket? Or are you considering selling sushi in your cafeteria? Don’t know how to start selling sushi? The first step is make sure you have good sushi rice. Not sure if you are cooking sushi rice the right way? Don’t worry, Top Sushi Maker is here to help! We got all the information you need to be serving all the best sushi to your customers! Keep on reading to find out more.

How to Cook Sushi Rice

Cooking sushi rice sounds simple and it can be if you have the right equipment. With the right rice cooker, it is hard to make a mistake. Unlike before, nowadays with a rice cooker, you can easily cook rice, however, for sushi rice there are some tips that will make the sushi rice extra delicious.

Water to Rice ratio for Rice Cooker

Tip #1: The ratio of rice to water
In order for sushi to stick together, it is recommended to add a bit more water, so the sushi rice can be stickier. For example if you are cooking 1 cup (Japanese rice cup) which is around 150 grams, then you would need around 200ml of water to cook the sushi rice.
300 grams of uncooked rice = around 450ml of water

Tip #2: Soak the sushi rice first
Another tip to make the sushi rice come out extra yummy is to soak the rice in cold water for 20~30 minutes before cooking and after washing. Once the sushi rice is thoroughly washed, soak it in cold water for 20~30 minutes. Then pour out the water one last time and add in the appropriate amount of water for cooking.

Tip #3: Umami Flavor
Some Japanese sushi chefs would add a few slices of kombu (kelp) in the water. So when the rice is cooking, the slight flavor of kombu would be cooked into the rice.

Here are three simple tips that can help you cook sushi rice deliciously. Now let’s take a look at how to do all that efficiently for your business, so you don’t waste all the hard work you put into cooking sushi rice. Here is a detailed sushi rice recipe that Sushi Chefs like Jiro uses.

Cooking Sushi Rice Efficiently

Rice cookers are the key to cooking sushi rice efficiently. They are all you need, you can be doing other tasks while the rice cooker does all the work. You don’t even need to worry about rice being burnt or undercooked because rice cookers are made to ensure that the rice cooking process can proceed smoothly. With the right rice cooker, amount of water and rice, you will always have delicious sushi rice. Thus, it is important that you pick the fitting rice cooker for your business. Unlike the regular rice cookers that many people own, for business, the rice cookers are much more powerful that can guarantee faster cooking and in larger quantities. Let’s take a look at one option for a commercial rice cooker that might be perfect for your restaurant, supermarket or cafeteria.

The beneficial factors of cooking sushi rice properly

Freshly out of Rice Cooker Rice

Now that you know the amazing rice cooker, let us quickly go through the beneficial factors that a rice cooker would bring.

First, you would be able to be cooking sushi rice fast and efficiently. Efficiently in both speed and energy, with IH technology the process of cooking rice is much more energy efficient and eco-friendly! You can get delicious cooked sushi rice while doing some good for the environment. Secondly, cooking sushi rice properly can ensure your customers’ return. When the rice is good, it will make the customer want more and keep on coming back to your products.
Lastly, cooking sushi rice properly can ensure your sushi is the best that you can provide. Which is very important, sushi is all about paying attention to small details and the sushi rice. So with properly cooked sushi rice, you are making the best sushi that is possible and making your customers happy.


It is important to remember that at the end of the day, you want to make your customers happy while being able to make a profit. By investing in our Shari Sushi Rice Mixing Machines, you can easily achieve that. You will be cost-efficient, environmentally friendly and serve delicious sushi. What a win! Need more reason on why you should get our rice mixers? Check out this article all about how to make delicious sushi rice!

If you are interested in rice cookers, rice washers or any sushi machines, Top Sushi Maker has got it! We are happy to provide you with a price estimation or a one on one consultation to help you find the best machine you need for your business. We valued our customers’ needs and we are here to help. If you have any questions or what to get your own rice cooker, please feel free to contact us directly through our email or our contact form!